Folks Online Share 45 Times They Refused To Date Someone For A Petty Reason - Its Magazine

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Folks Online Share 45 Times They Refused To Date Someone For A Petty Reason

Author and cartoonist Scott Adams once noted that “Nothing defines humans better than their willingness to do irrational things in the pursuit of phenomenally unlikely payoffs. This is the principle behind lotteries, dating, and religion.”

And while you can explain lotteries using numbers, and religion using philosophy, dating, relationships, and love in general are tough nuts to crack. But some still do try to explain themselves when it comes to dating, even if their reasoning is petty.

Not too long ago, folks on Reddit shared reasons—petty, yet more or less still rightful or fair enough ones, and sometimes just plain weird—to not date someone. And if you’ve been here long enough, you’ll know we covered a similar thread not too long ago, so you can check that out once you’re done with this one.

So, scroll down to enjoy some of the best and most entertaining responses to the now-viral thread, which garnered over 36,000 upvotes, and be sure to share your petty 'never dating this person' stories in the comment section below.

More Info: Reddit

#1 Chewing Like A Barbarian

Chews with their mouth open.

Image credits: eyksm

#2 Grammar Is A Foreign Concept

“‘cUs sHe TeXteD LiKe dIs! :):):):) :p:p:p:p =))))))”

Image credits: shrillysoupygusto

#3 Botox Is A Step Too Far

I can't date anyone with lip injections. It felt super unnatural kissing her. Like kissing a baboon with rigor mortis.

Image credits: RealGrendel

#4 Can She Stop With The Disney Already?

If they're super into Disney stuff, it creeps me out for some reason.

Image credits: OkCoast9806

#5 Cringey Home Decor

Live, laugh, love style home decor.

Image credits: XenophonOnTheLawn

#6 Room Temperature IQ

My wife once told me she couldn't be with someone who wasn't around the same level of intelligence as she. I have no idea how I'm going to keep it a secret that I'm a f*****g idiot the rest of our lives.

Image credits: seenthewolf

#7 So, Are You A Virgo...?

Into star signs and the like. To the point of being reminded what sign you are which somehow has an effect of who you and your personality traits lol

Image credits: Slug212

#8 "God Told Me..."

I had a guy break up with me in high school because God told him to… I was like uh okay guess I can’t argue with that one.

Image credits: GreatPancakee

#9 Eating Pizza "Separately"

She ate pizza with her hands.No, not like you think. She would scoop up the toppings in a messy pile and like a animal, claw them up and eat them then rip the bread and eat it.We were at a fancy italian place and I got horrified.

Image credits: Breadrozt

#10 So Who Wants To Talk About Religion And Politics?

People that like to “debate” too much. I’m all for having your own opinion but when someone thinks they have to be the devil’s advocate constantly? No thanks.

Image credits: sylvy8991

#11 "Expresso"

They pronounce the word "expresso" when they mean "espresso", or "expecially" instead of "especially."

Image credits: Grimace_aintnoshake

#12 Apple Juice Is Life

I instantly noped out of an otherwise fine blind date when she ordered apple juice - off menu - at a fancy restaurant. 19-year-old me only knew apple juice as a toddler's drink, and I just couldn't get past it.

I'm no longer that petty. But I did make the mistake of mentioning this to my wife once, many years ago. And she now makes a habit of ordering apple juice whenever we're at a fancy restaurant, just to see if I squirm.

Image credits: pbspry

#13 Being Loud

She talks to people like they're a hundred meter away from her.

Image credits: friededs3

#14 I'm Reading A Book, Man, Don't You Ever Interrupt Me While I'm Reading A Book!

I almost broke up with a girl when she was trying to be seductive and yanked my book out of my hand and closed it losing my spot.

Image credits: superopie

#15 Not Really An Outdoors Person

She insisted on hanging out at home. She lived with like 6 people, and they always had friends over. I felt like a bf extra on Friends or Seinfeld.

Image credits: NewEnglandRoastBeef

#16 Miranda Lambert Is A Saint

Ended things with a guy over various other reasons, but the most annoying was how many times he told me that "He'd leave me for Miranda Lambert in a heart beat". Which okay, I get it some people have a 'list' of celebrities they'd leave their S/O over, mostly as a joke. But this was like everyday, just randomly said not related to the conversations we were having at the time, and he meant it. He made sure I understood that if for some god forsaken reason Miranda Lambert walked in through the front door, I was gone.

Image credits: Kiasurp17

#17 Not Fast, Nor Furious Enough

She said i drove slow on our date. She likes men that live "dangerously"

It snowed heavily while we were at a fancy dinner. I was in my father's car because I had just gotten back from Iraq.

She called me a week later, I said I need a woman that is more down to earth.

Image credits: S*****nwithmykitten

#18 Question Everything

She did that thing with her voice where every sentence she said ended with a question mark.

Follow-up: Since so many people have asked, she was not Australian. She's American.

Image credits: Pennaflumen

#19 Selfiegram

If their Instagram is nothing but selfies, especially if they’re striking the same pose in every shot. I had a match like that and it honestly creeped me out.

Image credits: Ellemeno

#20 Mamma's Boy

She had the same name as my mom.

Image credits: waqasnaseem07

#21 I Don't Know How Eating Works

He ate with closed fists around his utensils like a toddler and his face right up to his food like someone was going to steal it.

Image credits: Firejen

#22 Who Wears Fake Glasses Anyway?!

He wore fake glasses and didn't like vegetables.

Image credits: DHKillinger

#23 What A Nominal Coincidence!?

She had the same first name and last name as my grandpa.

Image credits: Fit_Sheepherder_3894

#24 Where's The Mute Button?

Loud person. No. I hate it.

Image credits: iamthecherryontop

#25 Why Linger On The Past If You Can Look Forward To The Future?

She didn't like museums.

Image credits: AyUnit

#26 Ew

White spittle gathering at the edge of the mouth. I can forgive or overlook a lot of things, but that’s an instant turnoff.

Edit: Every day is a school day! Apparently this can be a sign of dehydration or linked to another condition I’ve seen called Angular Cheilitis.

Image credits: PlasticFannyTastic

#27 Cat Names Are A Serious Factor Here

Only went on one date but he named his cat Creamy, and the way he said it grossed me out.

Image credits: GoBanana42

#28 Say-Ruh!

My grandparents were very southern. When I was a kid, I spent the night at their house and heard them…wrestling. I heard my grandpa say my grandma’s name, Sarah, but with his accent he said “Ooh Say-ruh!”

I met a girl named Sarah who was also southern. When she introduced herself as “Say-ruh” I had to nope out. It just gave me the heebie jeebies.

Image credits: Sp3nc3r420

#29 So, Here's A List Of All The Names You Can't Have...

If they have the same name as either of my brothers or my dad lol, no.

Image credits: puppersrlyf

#30 Gonna Eat Whatever I Want, Whenever I Want

They are deathly allergic to nuts.

The idea of never having Nutella or Snickers again- or risk killing my partner with a kiss- is too much.

Image credits: Pithy-

#31 Dyson = Extravagance

My boss's daughter's ex bf broke up with her because they had a Dyson and he said he wouldn't be able to keep up with her extravagant lifestyle.

Image credits: dh4645

#32 Winning The Annoying Voice Lottery

Friends with voices that annoy me.

Image credits: UnoriginalUse

#33 "I Have Sausage Fingers..."

Inability to form a coherent sentence in text

Image credits: leg00b

#34 Competitive Artistry

Wasn't my pettiness, but a girl I went on a few dates with wouldn't date me because she wanted to be the "artistic" one in the relationship and she was worried that me being a musician would spoil that for her.

Edit: wasn’t real deep into it, it was just a couple of dates. I don’t feel negatively toward her. She was a nice enough person lol. Also, music isn’t my career, more of a passionate hobby. I work in IT by day.

Image credits: theronaldchase

#35 Arm-Swinging.exe Not Found

I broke up with a pretty hot girl when I was younger because she didn’t swing her arms when she walked. It just looked weird and reminded me of a gorilla. Really stupid reason I know, but it just looked so stupid and I couldn’t overcome it.

Image credits: Macklemonster

#36 It Just Doesn't Sound Right

I was raised as a fairly sheltered white kid in a very white American suburb. When i was around 20 i went on an okcupid date with a guy named Manuel, and although i had several valid reasons for not pursuing a third date, im ashamed to say that i distinctly recall feeling weird about the prospect of getting into a relationship with a guy named Manuel because it felt weird for me to pronounce his name. Yes, I was THAT sheltered.

Akmost 15 years later, after having lived the past 8 years of my life in a South Asian country, and 5 years into a committed relationship with a man from this country whose name as as far from white/western culture as it gets, I cringe so hard at the thought process I had at that time

#37 Same Name, Different Gender

She had the feminine version of my name and that’s just too cutesy.

Image credits: pierremanslappy

#38 Getting Ahead Of Things

I dated a guy and he pulled out Sudafed nasal spray. Said he had bad sinuses. I too had Sudafed and bad sinuses. Decided to cut it short so as to not breed the chronic rhinitis.

Image credits: NotAFerretSmiling

#39 Bizarre Affinity For Minions

Minions. Really hit it off and couldn’t look past the love of minions. Can’t stand em.

Image credits: P00p_Smoothie

#40 Nails Creep Me Out

Years ago I stopped dating someone once I realised he had weird nails.

*edited to add - weird as in clubbed fingers - so it was a medical or genetic issues - which makes my 20 year old self a vain biatch a*****e!!

#41 The Shape Of No

Her favourite song was "The Shape of You" by Ed Sheeran.

Image credits: nexusofthoughts

#42 How Is The Food Police Not Investigating This?

I didn't like the way she ate a grilled cheese sandwich.

There were more reasons, but this was the deal breaker.

#43 Is There Such A Thing As Being "Too Normal"?

She was too aggressively normal.

Edit: I meant she was too sane and well-adjusted. Anyone like that is clearly hiding /something/.

#44 No Medical Personnel, Thanks

Having dated two, I now have a "no nurses" rule.

#45 Much Engaged, Very Text

Taking a long time to reply message but having read the message, and replying with one word.

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